Friday, June 27, 2014


Al principio confieso que tuve mucho temor, ya que no sabía que tenía que decir o el consejo que tenía que decir a mujeres con 10 o 20 años más que yo, pero hoy puedo decir que mi disposición y la gracia de Dios he aprendido, estos meses he apreciado historias de alegría, sufrimiento, rechazo, dolor y mucha culpabilidad.

Nunca voy a olvidar a una de mis clientas, en su primera cita me dijo “yo no te diré nada de mi vida porque nadie la va entender”… yo le respondí, no te preocupes; pero en su segunda cita llego dispuesta a decir parte de su vida:

Entre lagrimas dijo que fue abusada sexualmente toda su niñez y que muchas veces le dijo a su mama lo que pasaba pero su mama nunca le creyó, pasaron los años y ella creció llena de enojo contra su mama y a la edad de 17 años empezó a trabajar como prostituta, quedo embarazada de una niña que nace con problemas en las rodillas, en una operación su hija tiene complicaciones y muere a los 10 años, esta situación hizo que ella se sintiera culpable por la perdida, pasaron los años y vuelve a quedar a tener un embarazo no deseado, los primeros meses intento abortar a su bebe pero no funciono, entonces decidió darlo en adopción cuando naciera porque no lo quería… Cuando llego al Nido solamente fue por la ayuda y en su cita me dijo que nunca había hablado con su bebe porque no sabía que le diría; yo le dije que repitiera

“Mi bebe solo quiero que vengas sanito” ella no podía creerlo, lloraba y lloraba por que lo había logrado, desde ese día ella empezó a amar a su bebe, hoy todavía lucha con su pasado, pero cree que Cristo es su fortaleza y bueno su bebe tiene 2 meses y es el amor de su vida. 

Estas historias me enseñaron a escuchar la voz de Dios, amar muchísimo a estas mujeres sin importar su status, origen, creencias y con una vida muy diferente a la mía, estas mujeres me ayudaron a madurar en mi vida, decisiones y tener una mejor relación con Dios.

Posdata: Momentos como cuidar bebes que lloran y lloran y no sabes que hacer, otros como salir corriendo para el hospital por que un bebe esta por nacer, son inolvidables…

Le agradezco a Dios y a Gloria Hoover por haber confiado en mí y continuemos orando por El Centro Prenatal “El Nido” que está cambiando muchas vidas.

Escrito por Dina. Gracias Dina por todo lo que ha dado a El Nido. 

Friday, June 6, 2014

Shadow of Your Wing

Last night I had the most incredible experience, an experience I had never had. I was working at El Nido. Carmelinda, my daughter, came running to me and said, "There is a little bird outside that is having trouble flying." She said she tried to catch it but couldn't and it jumped outside. My rescue mode set in. I ran outside to look for it. As I approached the little bird, my heart broke. His eyes were closed and was sitting in the wet grass with the pouring rain hitting it. As I reached down to touch it he chirped angrily but he let me pick him up. We wrapped him up in a towel and started petting it. He was either shivering or trembling with freight or both. He was so little and cute! I had no idea what kind of bird it was or what to do with it. All I knew was that he needed help.

I took him home and with him I took a nest. When I got home I put him in the nest and in a bird cage. I called my friend, Ken, because I knew he and his wife had rescued birds, so I figured he could pass on some wisdom. First of all we discovered it was a Blue and White Swallow.

Ken told me most likely during the storm he ran into a window and got knocked out. That made sense since in front of El Nido there are some large windows. Ken told me he probably just needed some rest and since it was evening by now, he didn't have any place to go. The best thing for me to do was to get a box, put a towel in it and let him rest and that keeping him the cage was not a good idea because birds can get claustrophobic and can die. He then told me in the morning to take him back to where I found him and set it free. Ken also told me to enjoy the experience. That's exactly what I did!

He was so chill and tame, Carmelinda and I took time to interact with him. He let us pet him, look at his wings, and kiss him. He sat on our fingers and shoulder. It was incredible! I loved every minute!

Then God started speaking to me. I am like that bird. When the storms come my way, I often loose my way. I run into things trying to do things my way until finally I give up. It's then my loving Heavenly Father comes and rescues me with such tenderness. Once He has me "under the shadow of His wings," He takes care of me. He allows me to rest. He restores me. He feeds me. He instructs me. He sings over me. He loves me and so much more. It's through the storms we become stronger. Strong enough to fly again.

As I saw him fly away this morning, I was overwhelmed with gratitude for the unique experience God gave me. Thank You God that under your wing I am safe.

Sunday, May 18, 2014


This is Elyna. She and her family came to live in Costa Rica in January. Her family spent four months helping with the renovation of El Nido and other work. Elyna has been a blessing to El Nido in the last few months. She picked flowers for the mothers. Her and her mother held the babies. She made sure the new children coming to El Nido had toys to play with. And even though she didn’t know the Spanish language, that didn’t stop her by making friends. She also helped organize the clothing in the boutique and by putting the toys away in the play area. So I wanted everyone to know what a gift she has been to me and to El Nido. 

We will miss you Elyna and Thank You for letting God use you!

Monday, May 12, 2014

Scarlet's Story

Hello! My name is Liz and I have been one of the counselors en El Nido since it opened in February. It has been amazing experience and I thank God often for the opportunity that He has given me to touch so many lives in such a beautiful way. We have seen so much evidence of God’s blessing on this ministry as it has grown so fast in the last few months. But not only has the ministry grown, the kingdom of God has grown through it. And that is the most important and exciting part of all.

I have truly grown to love each one of the women that God has allowed me to counsel. Although I will say that some of them have been more reserved and challenging to get to know than others. But God in His perfect timing has been softening their hearts and recently I have been blessed to hear things from them like, “The devotions and the weekly verse are my favorite part of El Nido,” or to see one brought to tears during a prayer asking God to please work a miracle in her family and their living situations as they were at the point of being thrown out of their homes. She had come to a realization that things were out of her control and had turned to God, knowing that only He can save her family.

With her permission, I want to share a little bit of one of my clients’ story. Her name is Scarleth. She came to us on one of the first days that we were open and has been coming consistently since then. Recently Scarleth shared with me that when she first heard about the El Nido she was extremely apprehensive about the whole thing. Her sister, one of our other clients, told Scarleth that some “gringos” (North Americans) had invited her to come to a place where pregnant women and mothers of small babies could receive material help and counseling, and it was free. Scarleth says that her first thought was that those gringos were just going to take her children away from her. Despite her fear she made an appointment and soon saw that she had nothing to worry about. She could feel the love that filled the center, see the sincerity in all of the volunteers, and she knew that this was a safe place.

Since that first day I have been blessed to be able to watch Scarleth change in so many ways. She is a Christian, but she came in feeling far from God and carrying a lot of guilt from her past. Through the time we have spent together God has revealed to Scarleth that He has forgiven her just as He promises to always do. He has helped her to really believe in that truth and she has realized the importance of forgiving herself as God has forgiven her. Today Scarleth is a completely different woman! Her sadness has been replaced with joy, her guilt with forgiveness, her pain with healing, her stains have been wiped clean! She is now free to allow herself to be used by God in her family, church and community. Scarleth often talks about how thankful she is to have found El Nido, or rather for us to have found her, because through it God has truly changed her life.

They are stories like Scarleth’s which show me how blessed I am to have been able to be a part of El Nido. And throughout the last few months God has been revealing to me the purposes of so many situations that have happened in my own life. The things that I have been through have given me a little bit of insight into my clients’ lives and situations, even though they are very different circumstances. God has allowed me to use parts of my past, the wounds that have been healed, my victories, and even my current struggles to be able to relate to these beautiful women on a level that wouldn’t be possible without having walked through it all.

Sadly, May will be my last month working in El Nido. Although leaving is hard I know that I have done my best in pouring truth and love into these women’s lives and I am grateful for the time that God has allowed me to be a part of something so beautiful. 

Monday, April 7, 2014

The Rest of the Story....

I wanted to follow up on the story of Agatha and her son.

She left El Nido happy but didn't know what she would expect upon her arrival at home.

Her son saw her first. He yelled at his sister, telling her his mother had a gift for her. Agatha said, "This gift is for you!" He reached for it and looked inside and smiled. He exclaimed, "This is to replace the other one!" She said, "Yes, honey. Will you forgive me for throwing away your other stuffed animal?" He said, "YES!"
They threw their arms around each other.

Agatha said her son has not let go of his new stuffed animal. And even though he's a little older, he still hasn't parted with it. He puts it in his back pack during school. He sleeps and plays with it.

Agatha told me that since we have met, she has also been practicing looking directing into her sons eyes while disciplining or just talking to him. At first, he would look away shyly. But has slowly started looking into her eyes. She said the transformation has been incredible. Not only has she seen the change happen at home but also at school! The teacher has been giving good reports on her son's behavior. Instead of sitting in a corner at school, he now participates along with his classmates.

I am reminded again of what God can do through us when we take a step of humility and ask for forgiveness. But it starts with us. God has our back and helps us in this process, a process that doesn't always come easy but is a commandment.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

From Anger to Forgiveness

As I listened to her story I started praying; here is what happened…

She told me she has a son that is giving her trouble at home and at school. She doesn't know what to do. The lesson that day was about the importance of eye contact. As we worked through the lesson together I stressed to her the importance of eye contact while disciplining and encouraged her to look at discipline as a teachable moment. She confessed that the majority of the time she just yells at her children because she has a hard time controlling her temper.

She shared of a time when her son was ready for school dressed in a clean white shirt and dark blue pants. He wanted to clean his shoes so he proceeded to clean them with a rag. In the process, the dirt on his shoes got all over his white shirt. When she saw it, she got so angry she yelled at him. He started crying. She told him he was going to have to wear the dirty shirt to school. Crying even more he yelled, “No, please don’t make me do that!” She said, “This is your fault and you’re going to have to wear your dirty shirt to school!” After a while of screaming, yelling, and crying back and forth she gave him a clean white shirt to wear. We talked about how that incident could have been different if she wouldn't have lost her temper.

As we continued to talk, she shared with me some history of her pregnancy. She said it was an unexpected pregnancy. It took her awhile to come to terms with all the changes that were about to occur.  As she worked through the shock of her pregnancy, she though if she had a girl that would make her happy. So when her son was born she was devastated. She never told her son what she had wished. About two years later she had a little girl, the little girl she always dreamed of. Her son has come to resent his sister over the years and sometimes he tells his mom, “I wish I was a girl.”

Her son has become a loner. He would rather play by himself than with his brothers and sisters. At school he fights with his classmates. His teacher has told him mom that he doesn't pay attention in school by rather walks around causing distraction. His teacher also told him mom that she thinks he’s not getting enough love at home. She told me that she argued with the teacher and reassured her that he is loved by his family.
But as we continued to talk, I saw things beginning to make sense in her head. She started saying, “Maybe I need to spend more time listening to him, eye to eye... I need help in how I discipline him….I think I understand…”

But the incident that touched me the most was when she told me of when her son had been hit by a deep sadness. Growing up he had a stuffed animal. He did everything with it, slept with hit, ate with it, and even went to the bathroom with it. As the years went by, the stuffed animal got uglier and dirtier. She begged him to allow her to wash it. He refused. She let it go a little longer. She said it smelled so bad she would beg and beg him to wash it, but he always refused.

Until one day, she got so angry and couldn't stand it any longer.  While her little boy was away, she threw the stuffed animal away. When her little boy got home, he asked her for it. She told him she threw it away. He ran to his bed and threw himself on it. He cried and cried and cried and cried. She said he cried as if someone had died. She tried to console him and offered him a clean stuffed animal. She argued with him and tried to convince him that another stuffed animal was the same as his old one. He yelled back, “You took away my best friend!” She responded, “But you have your brothers and sister to have as friends!” He said, “My brothers and sister just yell at me. My stuffed animal was always there for me and never yelled at me!” But there was nothing she could do. The damage had been done.

As I listened to her, I tried to put myself in the scene. I completely understood her point. But I also felt the pain of the little boy loosing something that was so dear to him. I asked her if looking back she could understand at little of how her little boy must have felt at that time? I asked her if she had ever asked forgiveness for what she had done? She said she had not thought of it before. As we continued to share together, I could see God working in her heart. I prayed for her and asked God to help her in the process of learning how to communicate better with her son.

At the end of our session, I asked her if she wanted to buy anything from our little boutique. She said she did. And with so much love and thought, she picked out a little stuffed bear. She told me she was getting it for her little boy and was going to go home and ask him for forgiveness that night. I was overjoyed and praised her for her courage and repentant heart.

(Written with permission.)

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Living God's Dream

Last week, El Nido experienced many firsts. We made our first appointment. We were introduced to our first two clients. We gave out bibs for the babies to be born and shampoos and lotions to the expectant mom's. But best of all we shared God's love with them on a special day, Valentines Day.

But there was a lot to do before all this could happen.I remember six months ago sitting along with my husband, DeLynn and another friend of ours in front of the university wondering where God was going was going to take me to start El Nido. Our target area was close to the university but where? I had no idea. I remember telling God I would be willing to start with a one room, one bathroom place. But one thing I made sure of in my conversation with God and that was telling Him HE was in charge.

To make a long story short, God gave me the perfect place to have El Nido. It turned out to be bigger and much better than I ever imagined. The location was ideal. But there was a lot to be done before I could open. Shortly after we started renting El Nido, we got a call from a group of senior citizens in Plain City, OH that wanted to help with El Nido. Perfect timing! They came and stayed for 10 days and transformed a little house into a beautiful oasis where women and children can come and enjoy God's love through El Nido.

The individuals that did SO much to get El Nido prepared

The mural in the children's play area. On Jesus' face we have placed a mirror symbolizing we have been created in His image. Surrounding Jesus is a boy from Africa, a Costa Rican girl, a girl from Talamanca, a baby from Guatemala (that's me) and two little other little boys that could be from anywhere. 

This the beautiful shelf the group made for me to hold all the literature needed for El Nido. 

This is the painting above my desk. 

This is part of the boutique where the ladies can come a buy their goodies

The is one of the walls in the boutique, the shelves were installed by the group and the birds were sewn by myself and a friend. 

El Nido opened Feburary 14, Valentines Day. I felt like it was an appropriate day to share the love we have with others. We had two clients. The first lady I had been making contact with over several weeks. She is 4 months pregnant and has a little girl, 4 yrs and a little boy 1 1/2 yrs. The second lady is a Christian and at that time, was ready to give birth anytime. She is married and has some older children. It was a joy to have them visit El Nido and we look forward to establishing friendships with them in the future.

After the first afternoon was over, I thanked God for the dream He had given me so many years ago and that I was finally living it! What an incredible feeling! I was able to share this experience with some of the volunteers that have so willing taken up the call and will be helping El Nido in touching many many lives. To celebrate we thanked God and enjoyed some coffee and cupcakes.

Rosario ( left) and Katherine (right)

(left to right) Dina, Elena and Liz